Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Ok back to the blog

Sorry about the lack of posting the past few days. Here is where we are, Mom had to get a platelet & blood transfusion on Monday and Tuesday which is what most patients have to do at one point of this process or another. We are hoping to move to the apartments this week, just waiting on her numbers to go up. The amount of pills she has to take is ridiculous and it has been bothering her stomach lately which caused some vomiting last night. Other than that just a lot of fatigue and boredom. The hardest part of this process for us I think is not being to do anything for her to ease her comfort. We have to make her eat but nothing sounds or taste good to her she gets very restless but is to tired to do anything. We will get thru this, 2010 hurry up and get here!

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