Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Day nine went just fine!

Momma Kasper had some good energy today but her appetite was a not so great as to be expected. Her and I went on two walks and when Dad got here they went on another one. She even got through her exercises that we do in the room. We played hangman, pictonary & a harpist came in and played some music. Her blood counts are where they are supposed to be so no blood transfusion has been scheduled as of yet. Hopefully only a few more weeks of this draining process for you Mom. You Can Do It!

Some of the songs I recognized that the harpist played:
I can't stop falling in love with you
What a wonderful life

This Pictonary Picture made my Mom really laugh
Rita and Pepita are 2 childhood friends my Mom had. Sisters that always walked together

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

It's been going good!

Monday was a pretty good day, sleeping beauty sleep all day but did not have much of an appetite. Today Tuesday has been great thus far Mom woke up hungry had a good breakfast did some exercises in her room had a good lunch & we have gone on 2 walks today. Hope a smooth day doesn't make for a rough night. Still no sores in her mouth or throat which is awesome & her blood counts are right where they should be. Thanks for the support everyone the prayers seem to be working keep it up!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Weekend update

Report from Dad
The hospital has really been quiet on the weekends and Starbucks not being open is a disappointment. Mom has been pretty tired and has been experiencing some of the side effects like nausea the chemo causes. However she has still been able to get up and do her daily required walking and exercises. I heard last night was a little rough for my Dad, because of the nausea they have decided to give all of her meds thru the IV from now on and when my mom got up last night her blood pressure dropped really low and she fainted luckily Dad was able to catch her and was close enough to pull the cord for the nurse. As soon as the nurse entered she was already waking up thankfully. I am very grateful my Dad was there to catch her but feel bad he had to go thru that by himself. Dad you are the strongest and sweetest man I know and thank you for taking care of Mom so well, a wife could never ask for a more perfect husband than you and we could never ask for a better father.

Friday, October 23, 2009

The Transplant Has Started......

The above picture is my Moms cells that are getting put back into her body. I know it may be a bit graphic but it is what it is. She will have a total of 2 bags and the process will take about an hour. She is very lucky some patients can have to do as many as 40 bags. Moms doing well a bit nervous but she didn't even have to leave the comfort of her own room for this process which is a blessing. Never thought Id be drinking Starbucks with my Dad & watching HGTV while my mom is getting a bone marrow transplant. It seems like some days I can't seem to get anything done & to think this can all happen in an hour is pretty amazing. Mom your doing a great job and you are the strongest most beautiful woman I know thank you for being such an amazing role model!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Nurse Drill Bit

This RN is very very nice and very informative he has used some great analogies throughout the day my favorite being this one. He just explained to my mom that the chemo she just had may cause sores in her mouth comparable to someone taking a big drill bit and running it in her mouth against her cheeks and throat. AWESOME

The Buzz.........
Mom has decided to buzz her hair today. Her hair just started growing back from the last chemo but she does not want to lose big clumps of hair so she has decided to buzz it. Yet another reason I am so proud of her, most women are very attached to their hair and shaving it is the last thing the want to do. Today is her rest day, her chemo is done & tomorrow is the cell transplant. She did not sleep much last night and she as been experiencing a bit of nausea today. All and all still no major complaints. Thank you God and thank you to all of our friends and family that have been so supportive.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Last night was a good night....

Mom took her first chemo dose well and had no major side effects last night or this morning. She is still in good spirits and will be getting her next dose at 2:00pm. Everyone here has been really nice at the hospital and we have moved into a new room. My dad got here today so now we can both be here for her. Although the staff has been very nice it seems like every RN has a different opinion on how things should be done...also sometimes they give my mom a little to
much information which can be a little scary for her.
You know what they say about opinions
there just like A******* everyones got one.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

It had 2 start

Alright sooo as much as we just wanted 2 sit in the room and watch TV in hopes they forgot about the chemo it has finally started. It's only a 45min long session and Im trying to keep her laughing through the whole thing. Weird thing is they suggest she eats ice or popsicles the whole time because this type of chemo can cause sores in her mouth and throat. Hmmm I wonder if they will share some meds with me

Waiting & waiting

Finally checked into the hospital for our 1 month stay. We checked in at 1:00pm and nothing has been done yet. Just a bunch of doctors asking the same questions and doing the same tests over and over. The highlight of the day was the.. (damn what did he call him self ummmm oh yeah a pastor a Jewish pastor) any whoooI thought someone sent him in as a joke or I was living in some SNL skit he just came in with the softest creepiest voice sat down with his legs crossed and just stared at us. I was like whats up guy and he just kept staring at my mom and saying hi and how are you feeling. Took everything I had to act like an adult and not bust out laughing. I did however manage to capture a pic as he was praying some weird stuff with my mom.

I also forgot 2 turn the sound off on my phone so they totally caught me taking the picture woooops

Where we are at in treatment

Mom has already gone through 6 sessions of chemotherapy and it went well. Although she was tired a lot and fed up with taking so many pills her side affects were reasonable & the treatment they gave got her to REMISSION. The step we are doing now is the cell transplant. Starting today with a heavy dose of chemotherapy. Her stem cells have already been harvested (THANK GOD FOR STEM CELL RESEARCH!) and they were able to harvest enough cells they first time around for the transplant.

Here we go

My mother was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma Cancer is December of 2008 This is our journey....................

What is Multipe Myeloma?
Multiple myeloma is a cancer of the plasma cells, white blood cells that produce antibodies to help fight disease and infection. Multiple myeloma is a progressive blood disease that is not curable but is treatable.