Sunday, October 25, 2009

Weekend update

Report from Dad
The hospital has really been quiet on the weekends and Starbucks not being open is a disappointment. Mom has been pretty tired and has been experiencing some of the side effects like nausea the chemo causes. However she has still been able to get up and do her daily required walking and exercises. I heard last night was a little rough for my Dad, because of the nausea they have decided to give all of her meds thru the IV from now on and when my mom got up last night her blood pressure dropped really low and she fainted luckily Dad was able to catch her and was close enough to pull the cord for the nurse. As soon as the nurse entered she was already waking up thankfully. I am very grateful my Dad was there to catch her but feel bad he had to go thru that by himself. Dad you are the strongest and sweetest man I know and thank you for taking care of Mom so well, a wife could never ask for a more perfect husband than you and we could never ask for a better father.

1 comment:

  1. Go Tim! You're my hero. Hope all is still going well. Marina, thanks for doing this. Please give your mamacita a big beso for me. take care.

