Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Day nine went just fine!

Momma Kasper had some good energy today but her appetite was a not so great as to be expected. Her and I went on two walks and when Dad got here they went on another one. She even got through her exercises that we do in the room. We played hangman, pictonary & a harpist came in and played some music. Her blood counts are where they are supposed to be so no blood transfusion has been scheduled as of yet. Hopefully only a few more weeks of this draining process for you Mom. You Can Do It!

Some of the songs I recognized that the harpist played:
I can't stop falling in love with you
What a wonderful life

This Pictonary Picture made my Mom really laugh
Rita and Pepita are 2 childhood friends my Mom had. Sisters that always walked together

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